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Tuesday, September 30, 2008

I encountered a Death Sign

I was scheduled for a trip to my hometown last September 11, 2008 for a very reasonable cause. Because it was the first year death anniversary of my grandmother, Lucresia, who died from a natural death as its funeral doctor had said. But for us her family, relatives, together with our neighbors, her death was unnatural as if it was done by a demon. Though there was no revelation happened at all since she was buried last year up to this day of her anniversary, the questions lingers to each of our mind is still there. How? Why did it happened to her?

Yes, “Lola Ecray” (as we, her grandchildren used to call her) was known to be a drunker. She was fond of drinking “tuba” or coconut wine many years ago, even we, her grandchildren was not yet been born. It was already her passion,
not only just a habit. The day will cry if she skip drinking even a single drop of it. I have just remembered one of my uncles said, “Makasimhot la’g usa ka kutsarang tuba, hubog na”. (Just a smell of a spoonful of coco wine, makes her dizzy).

Yes, that’s true. Me, as her eldest grandson witnessed that. And her story of her being a drunken master gave marks to every person not just in our barangay, but in the entire town. Nevertheless, telling her life story and her death is not the main topic of my post today. Maybe on some other time, I am going to give a special feature for her in this blog. And I’m sure her story will not just give you lessons, but probably an inspiration to someone out there.

Now, back to the main point. As I’ve said, I was on a trip. But supposedly, my schedule of going home was on the next day because that is the exact date of the celebration. I was just became excited for any reasons, I don’t know. Maybe because this will served for us as our family reunion. Whatever it was, there’s always a feeling of excitement of my homecoming. That’s why I decided to travel the night before the celebration.

But what made me decide of making this a post, was all about the date! It was September 11, also written as 9/11. They said it’s a bad date! Maybe that’s true. Because this was the date when my grandmother died. This was also the date when the two tower of America collapsed! And maybe, this is not the only horrible stories that can be heard during this date. I’m sure there are plenty out there. I was in the middle of my trip when I realized this thing. Can I call this a “signos”? Maybe no, maybe yes.

Let me recall first what had happened this day before making a decision of going home.

  • After taking my lunch, I sat in a corner to get relax while having a smoke of cigarette. From nowhere, a little piece of thing, somewhat like a booklet caught my attention. I read the written words on its cover that says, “Mao Kini Ang Kinabuhi Mo Kaniadto” (This Was Your Life Before). Curious I was. And to cure my curiosity, I opened the pages one by one. I was struck of its messages. It was all about life after death. It’s all about God’s judgment!
  • On my way of taking a ride to the terminal, a black cat came across on my path so quick. I felt nervous then. Will there be something bad happen to me right after this? I just left that question unanswered. I did not take it seriously. It’s as if I don’t believe in any superstition. I just conditioned my mind first. Whatever happens to me, it’s a God’s will.
  • When I arrived at the south bus terminal, my bag was being checked up by a lady guard at the entrance area. I was struck of what she was doing of my bag. She let me out all my stuffs in it. She said she touched something sharp in it like a knife in my bag. So then, I just followed her order getting myself numb and speechless. Though I getting was irritated a first, I opened my bag and turning it upside down to let all the stuff out in one. I remained nothing in it. As if even a single dust in it I let it out for the sake of her doubtfulness. But she found negative! Nothing harmful in it. It was only my nail cutter and I think it’s not a violation to bring that stuff. Anybody has it I’m sure. That was my first time I encountered that kind of incident. My only consolation was her apology right after the checking. But I can’t deny my temper rose during that particular event.
  • A conductor of Sunrays Liner approached me then after asking my destination. He provided me the front seat since no one had occupied in it. It was right beside on the driver’s seat. All of a sudden, one of the passengers asked who will be the driver. And when she knows who, she was slightly shocked. Because she knew that the driver on duty drives very fast. So she kept reminding him to drive slowly.
It was then when I realized what’s in a date. I don’t want it to keep in mind as much as possible that it’s a sign of being unlucky. Then I realized that it was my first ever trip that I find myself praying to God the whole travel. Until I felt myself someone tapping me at my shoulder and said “hey, where do you want to stop?” It was the conductor. I didn’t noticed I was sleeping of thinking this horrible thing. A minute after, I arrived! Thanks God! I arrived still in one piece!

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