2. Focus on enjoying people, not in indulging or accumulating material things.
3. Plan and spend what you have saved. You deserved to enjoy it and the few health years. Travel if you can afford it. Don’t leave anything for your children or loved ones to quarrel about. Instead of helping, you can even cause more trouble when you’re gone.
4. Live in here and now. Not in yesterdays and tomorrows. It is only today that you can handle. Yesterdays are gone and tomorrows may not come.
5. Enjoy your grandchildren, but don't be either a fulltime babysitter. You have no moral obligations to take care of them. Don't have any false guilt about this. Your obligation to your children is finished.
6. Accept physical weakness, sickness, and other physical pains. It is all part of the aging process. Enjoy whatever your health can give you.
7. Enjoy what you have right now. Stop worrying and working very hard for what you do not have. If you do not have them, it's too late.
8. Just enjoy life with your spouse, children, grandchildren, and friends. People love for yourself not for what you have. If they love you for what you have, they will just give you misery.
9. Forgive and accept forgiveness. Forgive yourself and others. Enjoy.
10. Befriend death. It's part of life. Don't be afraid of it. It's a beginning of a new and a better life. It's the beginning of the true and real life forever. So prepare yourself, not for death, but for a new life.